Google paused Gemini AI Image Generator after it produced historical images that were incorrect

Google said on Thursday that it is suspending its Gemini artificial intelligence feature, which generates images because it provides “inaccuracies” in historical images. Social media users have been criticizing the AI tool for producing erroneous depictions of historical figures, such as the American Founding Fathers, as people of color. Google stated that the AI feature…

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Google Unveils Gemini, the Biggest and Most Powerful AI Model

As pressure grows on Google to explain how it plans to monetize artificial intelligence, the company is launching what it believes to be its largest and most capable model. Three sizes will be available for the large language model Gemini: Gemini Ultra, which is the largest and most capable category; Gemini Pro, which scales across…

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Google Mentions Microsoft’s Licensing Restrictions as a Complex Web

Google, which has always tried to defend itself against monopolistic behavior across the USA and Europe, is now complaining of anti-competitive practices by Microsoft and Oracle. In a letter to the Federal Trade Commission on Wednesday, Google accused Microsoft uses unfair licensing terms to lock in clients to hold control over the cloud-computing market. Google…

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